Monday, 26 November 2012

FST Interim: Environment Exposure :Wynadu Bamboo Cluster (URAVU)

Objective :

Objective of the interim will be to initiate students to a holistic understanding of socio-political and economic system prevailing in our country as a space for creative practice through practical exposure and experience.  Students will be introduced to this context by appropriating various Design exercises, Design tools, Design Thinking as Lines of enquiry and also through field visits. This will enable students to understand the process of knowledge building around a context to develop their creative practice outside the purview of institutional learning.   List of reader will enhance the students to gain from various practices based on observation, exploration, and experience.

Context 1: Wynadu Bamboo cluster (Uravu)
  A context where a social initiative/organization identifies need for an intervention to address the social condition and thereby puts a considerable amount of  hard work with the community for social uplift. Students will explore the ideology and the framework with which the work has been initiated and its impact.

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